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When you select the tab World Map BTI projects your trip in that part of the world where the trip is planned. The start of your trip has a green pin and the end a red pin.



Here you set the options for the WorldMap. You can minimize the options window by clicking the “>” icon.

LandmarksTick, if you want to see your defined landmarks on the WorldMap
AirportsTick, if you want to see the largest airport in the map.
WaypointsTick, if you want to see the intermediate airports and waypoints of your flightplan on the map
TTSTick, if you want to see your defined text-to-speech on the map
AreasTick, if you want to see the areas, you defined in Event&Triggers Editor on the map
MaptypeChoose one of the different map types included in BTI:
ArialModeSatellite Image of Bing Maps
ArialModeWithLabelsSatellite Image with Labels of Bing Maps
RoadModeBing Maps Road Mode
finland-topoFinland Topology: maps provided by National Land Survey of Finland.
Roadmap, terrain, satellite and hybrid maps provided by Google. Working but deactivated by default, you need to activate them by yourself. Please add a proper UserAgent in respect with Google Maps Terms and Conditions.
norway-topoNorway Topology: Maps provided by Norwegian Mapping Authority Kartverket
OpenStreetMapSource: ©OpenStreetMap contributors, License: License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0(CC BY-SA)
OpenTopoMapMap data: © OpenStreetMap contributors, SRTM. Map style: ©OpenTopoMap, License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0(CC BY-SA)
StamenTerrain and Toner map style, Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL Watercolor map style, Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under CC BY SA
Reset MapResets the map to the default view.
Context Menu
Add TTSThis adds a new text-to-speech on this waypoint. You can enter the text as you want
Add TTS from WikiThis will add a new text-to-speech based on the selected wiki entries in the sub menu on this position. You are able to edit the text
Add Point of InterestHere you can add a new landmark for your mission
Create ImageThis will use the current map as the image for the entry you selected
Copy to clipboardThis will copy the coordinates you clicked in different formats into the clipboard.
Create Rectangles for TTS and Event & Triggers

You can draw interactive Rectangles for TTS on the WorldMap. To start the Rectangle-Draw-Mode just click the middle mouse button (mostly the scroll wheel) on your mouse.

Moving the mouse will adjust the heading and the width (white line) of your rectangle. Scrolling the mouse wheel will adjust the length of the rectangle.

When done, just click the middle mouse button again and following dialog will apear:

You can chose, if you want to create a TTS-entry in Text-to-speech, or to create an area on Event&Triggers. Clicking on “Create” will create it and jumps to the TTS or E&T-Sheet.

With the “Continue” button, you continue using the Rectangle-Draw mode and “Cancel” will abort it without creating any TTS or area.

Discovery Flights

Set your general parameters for the Discovery flight from Worldmap:

  • Center: Set the Center of your Discovery flight. Your current center is shown as an orange pin in the map
  • Spawn Position: Here your discovery flight will start. BushTripInjector will calculate the starting altitude depending on the ground elevation. You can change this on BaseData later.
  • Distance: Change the boundaries of your discovery flight. The current distance is shown as a circle around the center.

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